Unlocking Android (두번째 판)
Paperback: 575 pages
Publisher: Manning Publications; 2 edition (September 28, 2010)
Paperback: 250 pages
Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (August 31, 2010)
Paperback: 220 Pages
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 Edition (September 15, 2010)
Paperback: 350 pages
Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (November 16, 2010)
Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (November 22, 2010)
Paperback: 350 pages
Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (November 25, 2010)
새로운 안드로이드 버전에 맞춰서 약간 업데이트 되서 나올 듯 하다
Android for Work: Productivity for Professionals [Paperback]
안드로이드를 사용하여 생산성을 높이는 방법에 관한 책인듯
Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript [Paperback]
웹언어로 하이브리드 앱만들기
Pro Android 3 [Paperback]
- Paperback: 950 pages
- Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (November 15, 2010)
What you'll learn
- Use Android to build Java-based mobile applications for Google phones with a touch screen or keyboard
- Design and architect using Google’s Android SDK
- Use the Android SDK to write mobile applications for embedded devices
- Create 3D graphics with OpenGL and custom components
- Cuild multimedia and game apps using Android’s Media APIs and OpenGL
- Use Android’s location-based services, networking (Wi-Fi APIs), and security
- Create and allow for more integrated local and web searches
- Build handwriting gesture UIs
- Incorporate Google Translate into your Android applications
개인적으로 기대가 많이 되는책 pro android 2와 비교해서 얼마나 업데이트 되었을지 궁금
Pro Android Flash: Building Rich Internet Flash and JavaFX
Apps for Android Smartphones and Tablets [Paperback]
플래시와 자바FX를 이용해 안드로이드 개발하기
The Android Developer's Cookbook: Building Applications
with the Android SDK (Developer's Library) [Paperback]
일종에 팁을 모아놓은 책?
Practical Android Projects [Paperback]
What you'll learn
- How to build interesting apps such as Arcade Football, a virtual pet, and Finger Painting
- Use phone location with a Geo Latitude Alerts app which you can adapt as your own
- Build a utility that others can use with the Inventory and Shopping Assistant app!
- How to program a game on Android with the Navigation Game app!
- How to work with the Android UI, from layouts to lists to touch screen
- How to interact with a third party web API using REST
- How to work with audio and video in Android
- Putting the accelerometer to work
- Working with GPS and Google Maps
- How to create an augmented reality app
이도 좀 기대가 된다..실습용 책인듯
Pro Android Flash Games: Developing Flash Game Apps for Android-based Smartphones and Tablets [Paperback]
- Paperback: 400 pages
- Publisher: Apress (December 25, 2010)
이제 플래시도 배워야 하나
Pro Android Media: Developing Graphics, Music, Video, and Rich Media Apps for Smartphones and Tablets [Paperback]
- Paperback: 400 pages
- Publisher: Apress (December 31, 2010)
What you'll learn
- Develop Graphics, Music, Video and Rich Media Apps for Android Smartphones and Tablets
- Create dynamic Videos with the new WebM spec standard available in latest Android.
- Build touchscreen input features into Android Apps that allow users to draw, paint and do other creative forms of input.
- Turn the Android smartphone into a full fledged media player... a "gPod".
- How to integrate and use location based services and media related web service APIs
- Monetize your Apps in Android Market and other App stores.
기존책에는 없는 생소한 내용들이라 기대가 많이 된다.
Beginning Android Games [Paperback]
- Paperback: 300 pages
- Publisher: Apress; 1st New edition edition (January 28, 2011)
Table of Contents
- Game design for android
- “Hello Gaming World”-type tutorial
- Introduction to OpenGL
- Building a game engine
- Finishing up the OpenGL
- Using the hardware
- The final game: full tutorial
이책도 상당히 기대가 된다.
올해 안으로 출간되는 책이 이정도 스펙인데 내년에 나올 책들은 어떤책들일지 기대가 된다.
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